The working team of the Serious Games – Developing Emotional Competences for Nursing Students Project, met online, on January 28th, 2021. Professors Lisa Gomes, Ana Paula Macedo, João Cainé and Rui Pereira from the University of Minho Nursing School lead the kick-off meeting.
Emotional competencies are fundamental components in the exercise of the nursing profession, which have a relevant impact on the person’s health (Kaya et al., 2017). In fact, it is commonly accepted that “understanding and recognizing emotion is a high order nursing practice skill based on the notion that emotional intelligence is vital to practice” (Bulmer Smith, 2009, p. 1629). Study plans in nursing schools include the basic contents, emphasized in the development of clinical skills, being seen as the dimensions of clinical success, and the students’ emotional management training to deal with people in need of care and professionals are often overlooked (Yenyuva et al., 2014; Shanta & Gargiulo, 2014).
In this sense, it becomes essential to integrate the concept of emotional competence in the teaching of nursing discipline more consistently and the present project brings an innovative and complementary way to current pedagogical methods. Serious games and gamification have developed in different areas, including education, marketing, and healthcare. The potential of gamification for teaching emotional skills is significant and can contribute to a more dynamic interaction and a higher level of user satisfaction, as well as enabling new approaches to care. The student becomes an actor in their learning process, which constitutes the added value of the project. The SG4NS project considers the project pretends to build a digital interface (SG prototype) as a tool that is part of an innovative pedagogical strategy for an Emotional Competence improvement in nursing students; to develop teachers’ pedagogical skills and knowledge in the Emotional Intelligence field; to improve nursing student’s skills and competencies on Emotional Intelligence management.
Finally, we will validate the innovative educational intervention using Serious Games among nursing students and teachers.